
Budget reviews: Finance Committee and Select Board tackle challenges, make reductions.

1 min read

TLDR: In a joint meeting, the Finance Committee and Select Board of Westford reviewed the FY25 budget and its impact on various departments in the town. The budgetary challenges for Westford came into focus in May 2023, and the town manager and superintendent of schools prepared two budgets, one with a Proposition 2 ½ override and a balanced budget with significant cuts. The Finance Committee and Select Board are examining budget variables to track potential growth and costs, and also looking at ways to make the town more energy efficient and sustainable. If the override fails, several departments, including Public Safety and Works, Culture and Recreation, and Enterprise departments, will see reductions in service hours and utilities. The J.V. Fletcher Library will have a reduced budget and operating hours. The Recreation Department will also see a reduction in services and staff. The Select Board will host several meetings for residents to attend leading up to the Annual Town meeting in March.

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